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Beamer Kid songtext Rolling stones on my wrist Speeding through the streets Inside my luxurious vehicle Eyewear on, exuding effortless swag Perfected my swag Bass pumping through the speakers Metropolitan glow racing alongside Sensing the energy, living in the moment Cruising with my crew Eyes fixed on me as I pass Radiating iconicity Embracing the night, owning the vibe Beamer Dude , where aspirations turn real
Riding along with the wind Seeing the urban landscape open up Mesmerizing sights at every turn Gliding beyond illuminated marquees Experiencing the rush of excitement Heartbeat syncing with the music Racing forward, invincible Releasing my untamed energy Displaying a spectacle of desires Blossoming in a spectrum of moments Beamer Fellow , the symbol of swag Basking in the glow of success Adventure awaits at every turn Igniting my passion for exploration Beamer Fellow , the lyrics of my journey Floating with the wings of liberty

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